Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 5 - food log

Is it getting easier for you?

My mom already ate this way pretty much and is having a pretty easy time.

Meanwhile I'm battling some nausea, some dragging sugar withdrawals, and some feeling fine.

I dont need to lose any weight, but am pretty sure I've lost a few pounds in just five days, crazy!

Howbout yall?


  1. Breakfast:

    Two scrambled eggs, half avocado, half sliced tomato

    The really cool thing here is that the past two mornings I've woken up craving tomato! I used to hate tomatoes, so either I'm pregnant which is unlikely, or my body is getting it's priorities switched around! How cool?!

  2. Ha! I hated tomatoes until Papa Ed convinced me to eat one fresh from the garden...I was 7 and hooked for life!

  3. B: 2 fried eggs, carrot sticks, strawberries & 1/2 banana

    L: tuna salad w/greens, chopped veggies, garlic viniagrette, pork rinds

    S: cashews, raisins, celery stix w/organic almond butter

    D: steamed artichokes, cabbage, lemon-pepper chicken

  4. Snack:

    Carrots, Almonds


    Meatballs...and something else can't remember


    Pear, Almonds


    Pan Fried Rosemary chicken breast, bed of spinach w/ red pepper sliced, balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing
